The overall objective of the organization is to organize the poor and disadvantaged people of the society (specially who are living in the char areas) to enhance their life and livelihood through ensuring their participation in the development intervention, involving them in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation through capacity building and aware them about their rights to have the basic service of the government. At the same time arrange financial and technical assistance to undertake various income generation activities so that they can increase their income to alleviate poverty, reduce disaster risk & increase copying capacity on Climate Change and eventually to achieve their economic self reliance.
AKK also has the objective to establish human right, to salvage the suffering humanity, to eliminate social injustice, address gender issue to bring gender balance in the society and to the empowerment of women socially and economically, establish equality among mankind irrespective of race and socio–economic position to extend support to the disable and disadvantaged people for their Medicare services (including MCH, Primary Health Care & Nutrition ) and rehabilitation to improve their socio- economic condition, to undertake child education and various cultural activities for the enrichment of the rural based cultural heritage, to raise awareness about the environment and its habitat so that every one concern behave with a attitude of care and protection towards the environment and its habitat.