About Us.

A local NGO with Multi-Purpose Development Organization

Overall Objective

The overall objective of the organization is to organize the poor and disadvantaged people of the society (specially who are living in the char areas) to enhance their life and livelihood through ensuring their participation in the development intervention, involving them in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation through capacity building and aware them about their rights to have the basic service of the government. At the same time arrange financial and technical assistance to undertake various income generation activities so that they can increase their income to alleviate poverty, reduce disaster risk & increase copying capacity on Climate Change and eventually to achieve their economic self reliance.

AKK also has the objective to establish human right, to salvage the suffering humanity, to eliminate social injustice, address gender issue to bring gender balance in the society and to the empowerment of women socially and economically, establish equality among mankind irrespective of race and socio–economic position to extend support to the disable and disadvantaged people for their Medicare services (including MCH, Primary Health Care & Nutrition ) and rehabilitation to improve their socio- economic condition, to undertake child education and various cultural activities for the enrichment of the rural based cultural heritage, to raise awareness about the environment and its habitat so that every one concern behave with a attitude of care and protection towards the environment and its habitat.

Objectives of AKK:

  1. Community mobilization through court yeard meeting, campaign, rally, day observation, video show, mock excersice, Stage Show, Folk Show, IEC materials develop (Flip Chart, Leaftlets, Postures), Publications (Newsletter, Char Barta, Broceure, Annual Report, Case stidies).
  2. To increase copying capacity on Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate change Adaptation Measures and response in timely of affected people
  3. To develop sustainable livelihood ensuring Food Security through promoting agriculture, rural technology development, IGA support.
  4. To empower women on society, culturally, economically and politically and establish their rights
  5. To access control over resources specially women promoting value chain & market extension
  6. To create healthy and hygienic atmosphere
  7. To ensure Primary Heath Care facilities
  8. To create opportunities of the drop out school going children for continuing their education
  9. To empower and accessible in society of Disable People.
  10. Legal Aid support to the victim of injustice
  11. To build group and personal capital through Micro credit /IGA
  12. To create employment and income opportunities through mobile trade center.
  13. Provide to technical assistance to capacity buildup of Community Based Organization
  14. To reduce poverty alleviation through Fish Culture/ Fisheries Activities (including Aqua culture Development activities).
  15. To protect child rights and increase Gender Relations.
  16. To ensure safe drinking water, sanitary latrine and increase their hygenie practice for the poor people
  17. To develop and increase accessebility of disable people.
  18. To integrate the poor people in the main streaming of national development.

Values of AKK: 

AKK doesn’t have any overt value based direction in their program and organization management system. However, members of the organization often pronounce moral and ethical aspects of pro-people development initiative to stimulate and motivate workforce of the organization. To cope new challenges and up hold the pro-people concerns in the development initiative, all stakeholders solely agreed to have overt organization culture and values that conglomerate in all achievements of AKK.

We believe….

  • People’s power.
  • People have rights to life and livelihood irrespective of gender, class, cast and religion.
  • Human dignity and justice.
  • Natural ability and capacity of people.
  • Accountability and transparency in all action.
  • Participation constituent pro-people development.
  • Acknowledgement and appreciation are the building blocks of motivation.

Following cultural practices inclined to ensure the act of holding overt values

We practice….

  • Respect to others opinion.
  • Transparent and accountable to all level (Horizontal and vertical).
  • Participation from planning to evaluation.
  • Delegation of work.
  • Respect to the decision of the stakeholders and people.
  • Acknowledging innovation and challenge.
  • Healthy communication with all pertinent groups.
  • Maintain free flow of communication.
  • Trust on the actions of team members and program participants.
  • Ensure equal opportunity for people irrespective of age and gender, class and cast.
  • Appropriate and effective use of all policies, rules and regulations of the organization.
  • Nero tolerance to any act against rights and dignity.

AKK Approach & Working Strategy:

AKK emphasizes on target group development approach, at the same time it also implements activities following the community approaches in special cases. AKK always emphasize the highest level of community participation, different stakeholders, community volunteers, youth groups, socially excluded groups, social workers, religious leaders, teachers, self help group, federation members and relevant government officials etc in every development in cross cutting issues and DRR & CC initiatives also implements joint ventured projects for the community development. AKK works with the unprivileged people irrespective of caste, creed and religion. It emphasizes on non-directive, bottom-up and participatory development approach. It emphasizes on need-based sustainable program.

  • Community based organization development
  • Mainstream DRR, CCA, Disable issues in livelihood
  • Child education
  • Primary health care development at community level.
  • Livestock’s support at community level and agriculture
  • Emergency response to disaster
  • Disaster tolerant Watson
  • Building capacity of AKK’s community and local government
  • Women, disable and minority groups empowerment
  • Child protection, education
  • Culture development
  • Electrification through Solar Home System
  • Linkages, advocacy, networking and collaboration with donor, government and non government /private institution.
  • IGA for livelihood development
  • Visibility and message development and dissemination
  • Support a culture of prevention
  • Mitigation structure development
  • Task force at school level, youth forum

AKK believes:

  • Almighty creates human beings in his own image. But they are the victims of unjust social systems and structures.
  • All human beings have interrelated connection with their physical, intellectual, spiritual and social existence that must be addressed simultaneously.
  • Right commitment, dedication, motivation, love and care are the preconditions for helping the oppressed.
  • People are subject to change in opportunity environment and if they are offered opportunity and nurtured with love and care, because god says, all things are possible.