Terms of Reference (ToR) for hiring a Production house/firm/agency for producing impact video documentary on “Production and marketing of safe Vegetable under Ecological farming system in Charland”

1. Background:

AMRA KAJ KORY(AKK) is a non-govt. non-profitable and non-political voluntary development organization. It was established in January1985. AKK believes in non-directive, bottom up, integrated and participatory development frame work as a catalyst with the concern people and aspires a judge full and equitable share able society, where every individual could be able to live in peace, harmony and justice. Since inception in 1985 AKK has been working hard to derive away poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition and it responds within 72 hours in emergency if any disaster occurs. The AKK is implementing a project titled “Increasing Production and Marketing of Safe Vegetables Under Ecological Farming System in Char Area,” a value chain sub-project involving 500 farmers in the North Channel Union of Sadar Upazilla, Faridpur District. This project is part of the ‘Rural Microenterprise Transformation Project (RMTP),’ jointly financed by PKSF, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and DANIDA. The main objective is to increase the income of poor individuals by creating agricultural income-generating activities. To achieve this, the project has adopted various agriculture-based activities, including skill development in vegetable production using ecological farming methods, availability of bio-inputs, sales promotion, and the use of fallow land for vegetable production. The aim is to meet current needs while fostering the concept of enterprise among the participants. A total of 500 project participants, mostly farmers involved in vegetable production, are being received various technical and financial support through the sub-project. The expected outcomes include improvements in production practices, safe vegetable production, marketing, income generation, and soil health enhancement.

2. Objective of the assignment

The objective of the assignment is to tell the transformation stories of the successful entrepreneurs, beneficiaries as well as activities. In addition to this, incorporate the Good Agricultural Practices and success, production, procession, marketing, certification, tell the Also, showcase the best practice and lesson learned of the project to attract donor, stakeholder and audience attention.

Specific objective: The specific objectives of the assignment is to –

Document Transformation Stories: Capture and narrate the transformation stories of successful entrepreneurs and beneficiaries, detailing their journeys, challenges, and achievements.

 Highlight Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs): Incorporate and showcase Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) implemented in the project, emphasizing their role in achieving success.

 Detail Production, Processing, and Marketing: Provide a comprehensive overview of the production, processing, and marketing processes involved, highlighting innovative practices and strategies.

 Discuss Certification and Standards: Include information on certification processes and standards that have been met, explaining their importance in enhancing product value and marketability.

 Showcase Best Practices and Lessons Learned: Present the best practices adopted during the project and the lessons learned, aiming to demonstrate the project’s impact and effectiveness.

 Attract Donor, Stakeholder, and Audience Attention: Craft the narrative in a compelling way to engage and attract the attention of donors, stakeholders, and the general audience, showcasing the project’s achievements and potential for future support.

3. Scope of the assignment related to the objective

The firm will execute all necessary tasks, from research to video production, ensuring alignment with project objectives. The submission of a detailed work plan, in collaboration with the AKK. Client-approved script development will also lead to the creation of impactful video content. The firm will-

 Conduct necessary research and gain a comprehensive understanding of the assignment.
 Develop a detailed work plan, strategy, and relevant details for creating and submitting the required video content.
 The concern firm will visit the shooting location before development of video script. and collected the beneficiary’s interview, and necessary information.
 Review the project document for development of the video script.

 Collaborate with AKK and PKSF’s Project Management Unit (PMU) to develop scripts for video documentary.
 Take final approval of video script from AKK and PMU of PKSF for shooting.
 Initiate the production phase post-client approval, encompassing shooting and other essential tasks.
 Produce video documentary according to specified criteria, covering diverse project activities and special features.
 Use copyright free background music for the video documentary.
 Take voice over approval and sample of the voice over before finalize the video documentary.
 Use appropriate sub-title in English for the video documentary and take approval from AKK and PMU of PKSF.
 Use PKSF, IFAD, DANIDA, and AKK logo under the title name screen and closing screen of the video with appropriate animation and motion graphics.

3. Duration of the assignment

The assignment needs to be completed within duration of maximum 30 working days starting from the date of contract signing.

4. Schedule of the deliverables

The assignment will be completed following the schedule below:

 The firm will submit a detail work plan and outlines details and strategy for the specific video documentary for approval from the AKK and PMU of RMTP PKSF before the final shooting within 5 (five) days of contract signing.

 The firm will submit a video documentary 6-7 minutes maximum (Full HD, 4K, MPEG-4 or another compatible format) and 3 reels video – each video for maximum 90 seconds for social media promotion.

 The firm will submit all the video raw footage, and finish products by a transferable pen drive to the PMU of PKSF and transferable link to the AKK.

5. Schedule of the deliverables

The assignment will be completed following the schedule below:

 The firm will submit a detail work plan and outlines details and strategy for the specific video documentary for approval from the AKK and PMU of RMTP PKSF before the final shooting within 5 (five) days of contract signing.

 The firm will submit a video documentary 6-7 minutes maximum (Full HD, 4K, MPEG-4 or another compatible format) and 3 reels video – each video for maximum 90 seconds for social media promotion.

 The firm will submit all the video raw footage, and finish products by a transferable pen drive to the PMU of PKSF and transferable link to the AKK.